In stock Coolant hose VW Golf 3 (1995-1998) 1.6L petrol (AEK, AFT) Price €147.39 Hose between compensation tank, throttle connection, flange, radiator and coolant pump.
In stock Connecting piece for 5-speed manual selector rod mechanism VW Golf 2 (1984-1992) Price €3.14
In stock Thermostat housing adapter, VW Golf 3 1.9L D/TD/TDI (AAZ,1Y,1Z,AHU,AFN) engines Price €3.85 Without seals.
In stock Connecting piece for 4-speed manual selector rod mechanism VW Golf 2 (1984-1992) Price €3.12
In stock Coolant flange on cylinder head VW Golf 3 (1992-1998) 1.6L petrol engines (AEK,AFT,AKS) Price €5.61
In stock Selector mechanism rubber ring VW Golf 2 GTI G60 ('90-'92), VW Golf 3 ('92-'98) GTI 16V (ABF), VR6 (AAA), VW Golf 4... Price €1.40 Valid only for models with cable-actuated gear shift.
In stock Coolant flange on cylinder head VW Golf 2.0L gasolina (2E,ADY,AGG) Price €5.61 Used only in some engine swaps from VW Golf 3 2.0L petrol 2E, ADY or AGG engine codes.
In stock Selector mechanism guide bushing VW Golf 2 GTI G60 ('90-'92), VW Golf 3 ('92-'98) GTI 16V (ABF), VR6 (AAA), VW Golf 4... Price €1.71 Valid only for models with cable-actuated gear shift.
New In stock Water pipe flange on cylinder head for 1.9L TDI (1Z,AHU,AFN) engines, with caps Price €7.28
In stock Petrol engines 5-speed gearshift connection pivot kit VW Golf 2 (1986-1992) 1.0L and 1.3L, VW Golf 3 (1992-1998) 1.4L and... Price €9.97
In stock copy of Selector mechanism angle VW Golf 2 GTI G60 ('90-'92), VW Golf 3 ('92-'98) GTI 16V (ABF), VR6 (AAA), VW Golf 4... Price €1.30 Valid only for models with cable-actuated gear shift.
In stock copy of Selector mechanism angle VW Golf 2 GTI G60 ('90-'92), VW Golf 3 ('92-'98) GTI 16V (ABF), VR6 (AAA), VW Golf 4... Price €1.16 Valid only for models with cable-actuated gear shift.
In stock copy of Selector mechanism angle VW Golf 2 GTI G60 ('90-'92), VW Golf 3 ('92-'98) GTI 16V (ABF), VR6 (AAA), VW Golf 4... Price €1.40 Valid only for models with cable-actuated gear shift.
In stock Gear selector lever reversing mechanism bush VW Golf 2 and VW Golf 3, for gear selection rod system Price €0.51
In stock Linkage support VW Golf 2 (1984-1992) 1.6L and 1.8L engine with linkage-actuated shift mechanism (not cable) Price €24.14
In stock Repair kit for glow plug cable VW Golf 3 1.9L TD/TDI, VW Golf 4 1.9L TDI, VW LT1 2.4L D/TD, for 1 glow plug Price €7.62